3 Auto Insurance Options That Will Cover For Injuries

Besides paying for the mandatory auto insurance policies, you may want to take additional car insurance covers that you feel will meet your needs perfectly. Some most commonly sought-after additional covers are medical and injury auto insurance covers. If you're considering purchasing a new vehicle, or are just opting for an additional car insurance policy, you need to understand what options exist.

Auto insurance options that cover personal injuries and those of your passengers are among the most sought-after additional insurance covers. If you're looking for auto insurance covers for injury, you can consider the following three main options.

Medical Payments Coverage

Also known as MedPay, medical payment coverage is additional insurance to an auto insurance policy. This insurance covers you and any passenger on board your vehicle, any person you may injure on the road, or you if you're a passenger in someone else's vehicle. If you're knocked or injured by another vehicle when walking or cycling, MedPay can also cover your medical expenses after an assessment of the situation.

The cover is limited to treatment; it may also cover rehabilitation, dental care, and funeral costs, among other associated medical costs stated in the policy statement. However, since this is an optional policy, its application varies by state. 

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

PIP can also be referred to as no-fault insurance. After a car accident, the personal injury protection cover will help you cover medical bills, expenses covered after injury, and funeral costs, among other associated costs stated in its terms. These expenses are catered for after an accident, regardless of whether you're at fault or not. 

Just like medical payment, PIP is also only available in specific states. You might have to move to a given state where the cover is legally accepted to enjoy using it. Its requirements also vary from one state to another. You'll have to do comprehensive research to enjoy maximum benefits when you settle for the most favorable terms.

Liability Insurance Coverage

A liability insurance coverage is a mandatory cover that you'll always be required to carry with you in your policies in nearly every state. It's a perfect choice as it covers the medical injuries incurred during an accident and damages caused on property and vehicles.

When you cause bodily injuries to a third party, the liability insurance coverage can cover the lost wages and medical expenses. Having liability insurance coverage may not be enough. You can choose to add PIP or MedPay to meet all your medical coverage needs.

For more information about auto insurance, contact a local provider, like Kesner Insurance Agency Inc.
