New Car Upgrades That Reduce Auto Insurance Premiums

New cars come with a variety of upgrade options, which add everything from potentially life-saving safety features to backseat entertainment systems. If you're buying a new car, several of these new car upgrade options could reduce your auto insurance premiums.

Anti-Theft Security Device

Your auto insurance will likely include comprehensive coverage, which protects against non-accident incidents like break-ins and theft. If your car has an anti-theft security device, you'll be able to save a little on this coverage. Since your car will be less likely to be stolen, your insurer will be less likely to face a theft-related claim, and they'll likely give you a discount in return.

Many auto insurance policies will offer a discount for any type of security device, but built-in ones tend to get the biggest discounts. If your car doesn't already come with it, have the dealership put in a security alarm that automatically activates. You'll save on auto insurance for as long as you carry comprehensive coverage.

Tracking Service

Tracking systems that can remotely monitor your car take anti-theft measures a step further, and they, too, can get you a discount on collision coverage. This type of service can make it easier to recover your car in the event that it is stolen.

If your car comes with a trial for a monitoring service that you decide to continue, make sure your insurance company knows. The discount you receive for having this service probably won't equal the full monthly cost of the service, but it can help offset that bill a little.

Daytime Running Lights

Daytime running lights are headlights that are always on to increase your car's visibility in all driving conditions. Because daytime running lights increase visibility, they help decrease the likelihood that you will get in an accident while driving. Pedestrians will be more likely to see your car before crossing the road, and other drivers will more readily notice your vehicle.

Since daytime running lights lower the risk of accidents, many insurance companies offer discounts on collision coverage if your car has this feature. 

Driver-Assist Features

Driver-assist features, such as forward collision mitigation and rear cross-traffic alert, also lower the likelihood of an accident. As a result, these too may help you get lower collision coverage rates on your auto insurance policy. Add them onto your new car for your own safety, and tell your insurance company so they can discount your auto insurance policy accordingly.

To learn more, contact an auto insurance agent.
