Blown Away—Wind And Your Homeowners Insurance Coverage

Your home and property face the wrath of extreme weather all year round. One of the most important things any property owner can do to protect themselves from disaster is to understand what is and isn't covered by their insurance.  So, how are you insured against dangerous and damaging wind events? Here's what every homeowner needs to know.

Is Wind Covered By Home Insurance?

The good news for most homeowners is that wind is one of the routine weather events that is generally covered by standard home insurance policies. And most of the time, this includes all types of wind—including tornadoes, blizzards, and hurricanes. 

Most home insurance policies have provisions for two types of coverage. The first is your actual structure, such as the roof or windows. The second covers damage to your personal belongings if the wind gets inside or damages other structures on the property. 

When Isn't Wind Covered?

While it's true that most policies include windstorm coverage, every purchaser should check their particular policy before buying and when shopping around. Never assume anything.

In addition, some homeowners will find that some wind events are specifically excluded. This most often occurs in the eastern part of the United States where hurricanes and blizzards can cause havoc. In these areas, you may need to buy a separate wind policy. The exclusion may apply to all wind events or to certain ones, such as named tropical storms and hurricanes only. 

Is All Related Damage Covered?

If you are protected against the wind, you may not be protected against everything related to it. Storms that bring damaging winds can also bring other problems—most notably, water in the form of rain or snow. Unfortunately, flooding may not be covered by your insurance policy. The source of flooding determines its inclusion. 

Policies also usually exclude damage caused by more gradual weather issues. If one spot on your roof is chipped away by wind over time and allows in moisture below, neither the roof damage nor the mold remediation may be covered. 

Where Should You Start?

The best place to learn more about what is and isn't covered by your homeowner's insurance is to meet with a professional insurance agent in your state. With their guidance, you'll find the right combination of insurance policies to protect you against whatever nature throws your way. 

Contact a local insurance company to learn more about homeowner's insurance.
