The Importance of Car Insurance: Protecting Yourself and Your Vehicle
Car insurance is an essential aspect of responsible car ownership. Not only is it a legal requirement in most states, but car insurance can also protect you financially in case of an accident. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of having car insurance and why it's crucial to have coverage.
Legal Requirement
In most states, having car insurance is mandatory. This means that if you are caught driving without insurance, you could face fines, license suspension, or even jail time.
Why Car Insurance Is Essential for Your Older Vehicle
When it comes to owning a car, having insurance is a must. While some may think that insurance is only necessary for newer vehicles, the reality is that even older cars need to be protected. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of having car insurance for your older vehicle and why it is essential to have coverage in place.
Protecting Your Investment
Just because your car may not be brand new doesn't mean it isn't valuable to you.
Why Home Insurance Agent Services Are Worth the Investment
As homeowners, we work hard to ensure our properties are safe, comfortable, and secure. But, even the most carefully maintained home can be subject to various types of damages that we have no control over. This is where home insurance comes in handy, as it can provide financial assistance in times of unforeseen circumstances. But, obtaining an insurance policy and managing it can be a daunting task. This is where the services of a home insurance agent come in, providing homeowners with endless benefits.
Why Business Health Insurance Is Important and How to Choose the Right Plan
As a business owner, you know that your employees are the backbone of your company. Offering health insurance is one of the most important ways to show your employees that you care about their well-being. Not only does it help attract and retain talented workers, but it also protects your company from financial losses due to unexpected illnesses or injuries.
The Importance of Business Health Insurance
The first and most obvious reason to offer health insurance to your employees is that it provides them with access to much-needed medical care.
Beginner's Guide to Motorcycle Insurance Policy
Are you a beginner motorcycle rider searching for the best insurance policy for your bike? Or are you an experienced rider looking to update your motorcycle insurance? Whatever your experience level, motorcycle insurance is essential to protect you and your bike. With so many options on the market, selecting the right motorcycle insurance policy can be daunting. This guide will provide the necessary information to decide on the ideal motorcycle insurance policy.
3 Costs You May Not Know Your Homeowners Insurance Can Help With
If your home suffers damage in a fire or severe weather event, you probably won't even think twice before filing a claim against your homeowners' insurance policy. Most homeowners expect their insurance policies to cover these types of damage. However, many other costs are often covered by homeowners insurance policies which a lot of people are not so familiar with. Consequently, it is common for people to cover these costs out of their own pockets rather than filing a claim.
3 Tips For Lowering The Cost Of Your Homeowners' Insurance
If you are looking to free up a bit of room in your budget each month, lowering the cost of your homeowners' insurance can be a great way of accomplishing this goal. Best of all, lowering your insurance costs may be much easier than you realize. This is especially true when choosing to use the tips below.
Tip #1: Make Sure You Are Not Carrying More Coverage Than You Need
Today's Startups Always Need These Types Of Liability Insurance
If you're an entrepreneur starting a startup, you probably need insurance to protect yourself. This is true even if you are your only employee and the business you're starting is a sole proprietorship. In today's data-driven business climate, you're always at legal risk from dissatisfied clients or from the theft and or mishandling of personal data. That's why you should strongly consider professional and cyber liability insurance.
Professional Liability Insurance
Learning The Main Basics Of Auto Insurance Coverage Before Driving
When you get your driver's license and buy yourself a car, you may be eager to head out on the road and drive yourself to and from anywhere you want to go. However, before you can drive your car, you must have it insured first.
If you have never taken the time to learn about this type of policy, you may have few clues about what purpose it serves for drivers today.
Things You May Not Know About Homeowner's Insurance
It's important to carry homeowner's insurance when you own a home or you could lose a significant investment if your home is damaged. The insurance helps pay for repairs or replacements after a storm or disaster. Homeowner's insurance pays for other things too, and your policy may not pay for something you expect to be covered, so it's essential to understand the type of coverage you buy. Here are important things you may not know about homeowner's insurance.
Guide To Comparing Business Insurance Quotes For The Best Deal
Business insurance is quite complex, and you will want to get a good deal as you go about comparison shopping. However, there is much more to consider than the premium you'll be paying for your commercial insurance.
Here are a few tips to help you compare the business insurance quotes you'll receive from different insurers.
1. Pay Close Attention to the Exclusions
There will always be exclusions as no business insurance policy covers everything.
Blown Away—Wind And Your Homeowners Insurance Coverage
Your home and property face the wrath of extreme weather all year round. One of the most important things any property owner can do to protect themselves from disaster is to understand what is and isn't covered by their insurance. So, how are you insured against dangerous and damaging wind events? Here's what every homeowner needs to know.
Is Wind Covered By Home Insurance?
The good news for most homeowners is that wind is one of the routine weather events that is generally covered by standard home insurance policies.
What Every Small Business Owner Needs To Know About Group Health Insurance
As a small business owner, you need to protect yourself with different types of insurance. One of the most important types of insurance for small business owners is group health insurance.
Group health insurance is a type of insurance that helps cover the cost of medical care for a group of people. Employers often offer this type of insurance to their employees as part of a benefits package. But what exactly should this plan cover?
3 Ways to Get the Best Deal on Homeowners Insurance
One of the many myths surrounding homeowners insurance is that it's merely an optional add-on to the purchase of a residential property. The fact is that homeowners insurance is required in order to secure a loan for a mortgage. With that in mind, it is more than worthwhile for prospective homeowners to shop around to get the best possible deal on a policy. If you're looking to purchase a property soon, keep reading below to learn about three of the key ways you can get a great deal.
Common Recreational Vehicle Insurance Mistakes You Should Avoid
Whether you are planning a trip across the country or simply want to enjoy camping vacations with your family on the weekends, a recreational vehicle is a great way to hit the road and enjoy nature. Just like your main vehicle and home, your recreational vehicle needs to be insured. Unfortunately, there are several common mistakes that some people make that can cost them money or not provide their RV with adequate coverage.
5 Tips To Help You Save On Your Home Insurance
Are you tired of struggling financially to keep up with your home insurance payments each month? If so, you should know that it is possible to lower the cost of your insurance policy without reducing the amount of coverage that this policy offers. The five tips below can help you to accomplish this goal quickly and easily.
Tip #1: Raise Your Deductible
Some people are afraid to choose a higher deductible for their home insurance policy.
Hiring A Public Adjuster To Assess Tornado Damage
Mother nature can cause havoc on a house, and the damage can happen in the spare of the moment. For example, a homeowner can go from hearing tornado sirens one minute to a home that is destroyed within the next few minutes. If you are the victim of a tornado that caused a lot of damage to your home, filing an insurance claim can be done if your home is covered under an insurance policy.
The Three Categories For Auto Insurance
Are you shopping around for car insurance and feeling a bit confused about what kind of coverage that you need? It will help to break it down into these three categories.
Coverage For Others
The main type of coverage for others that you'll want to have is bodily injury coverage, which is when you cause an accident that injures somebody else. Bodily injury coverage has limits that state how much the insurance company will pay per person, and how much total coverage you get per accident.
4 Surprising Things That May Be Covered By Your Auto Insurance Policy
You are probably aware of the common items covered in car insurance—like the cost of replacing or repairing parts after an auto accident or medical bills. But what you may not know is that your auto insurance policy covers so much more.
Of course, all car insurance policies are different, and coverage may vary from state to state. You may also need comprehensive coverage to enjoy most of these benefits. Check your policy to know for certain, but here are some surprising things that may be covered in your policy.
What To Know About The Different Auto Insurance Coverage Options
Do you need to purchase auto insurance, but feel a bit confused about all of your coverage options? It will help to break down what they are and how they can protect you.
Bodily Liability
Your auto insurance will pay money to others if you caused an accident that led to another person being injured through bodily liability coverage. It is designed to pay for their medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages.
What Is SR 22 Car Insurance, And How Does It Work?
If you're convicted of a major traffic offense, your license could be revoked or suspended temporarily. The process of reinstating your license following revocation or suspension can be intimidating, and one of the conditions may be that you have to get SR-22 insurance.
An SR-22 isn't really insurance itself; it is a document to show you have the minimum liability insurance required by your state. In Virginia and Florida, it's also referred to as an FR-44.
What You Should Know About Pay-Per-Mile Motorcycle Insurance
Finding the right motorcycle insurance for your needs is crucial. Whether you ride your motorcycle every day or just on the weekends, you'll want to make sure that you have the best coverage you can afford to protect you and your assets if you are in an accident. While you may already be aware that there are many kinds of motorcycle insurance policies out there, one option you may not have considered is a pay-per-mile insurance policy.
Creating A Competitive Benefits Package For Your Workers
The compensation that many employees receive may only partially be in the form of cash. The rest of the compensation may be the form of various employee benefits that the company provides. Creating a modern benefits package for your employees can be a complicated task, but it is expected by workers in many industries.
Create A Benefits Package That Can Be A Recruiting Strength
For a company that need to attract top talent, it can be difficult to separate your company from other firms that are competing for the same pool of workers.
3 Long-Term Strategies For Cheaper Car Insurance
Owning a car might be a necessary part of American life, but it's certainly not cheap. Even if you own your vehicle outright, gas, insurance, and maintenance can become a significant part of your monthly budget. Obtaining more affordable car insurance can bring down your costs, but how can you help to ensure that your insurance costs come down over time?
While you can adjust your coverage levels and deductibles to reduce your car insurance right now, there are also long-term strategies that can greatly impact your monthly premiums.
3 Auto Insurance Options That Will Cover For Injuries
Besides paying for the mandatory auto insurance policies, you may want to take additional car insurance covers that you feel will meet your needs perfectly. Some most commonly sought-after additional covers are medical and injury auto insurance covers. If you're considering purchasing a new vehicle, or are just opting for an additional car insurance policy, you need to understand what options exist.
Auto insurance options that cover personal injuries and those of your passengers are among the most sought-after additional insurance covers.
3 Important Ways To Lower Your Home Insurance Costs
If you own a home, one of the expenses you have to deal with is homeowner's insurance. Unfortunately, this is a monthly expense. Luckily, you can take steps to help you lower your premium and thus lower what you pay every month for homeowner's insurance.
1. Shop Around
Each insurance company will not charge the same amount for homeowner's insurance. Although most insurance companies collect the same information to assess your risk, the way they weigh and factor your risk based on that information is different.
How To Assess Your Insurable Business Risk
One of the biggest challenges businesses face is making sure that risks don't wipe them out. Many use business insurance as a tool to reduce the odds of disaster. It's critical to assess your insurable risk accurately so you'll have enough coverage, appropriate premiums, and a deductible you can handle in the event something happens.
How do you assess insurable risk, though? You can benefit from following these three tips.
The Basics Of Liability Insurance
What Is Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is an important decision that needs to be taken into account on a personal basis. If you purchase it, it will cover the cost of damages and injuries that you cause to others if you cause an accident. It is important to recognize that it does not cover the costs of your injuries and property damage, only the cost for others that you harmed. If you have a lot of assets, it is smart to get higher levels of liability insurance to protect yourself in case of a lawsuit.
4 Types of Coverage to Have on a High-Value Vehicle
If you have a high-value vehicle that costs more than a couple thousand dollars, then you might not be able to afford to replace it if it were damaged or totaled in an accident. In order to help you do so, you want to make sure you have the right type of coverage in place. Here are four types that will help you meet this need.
#1: Collision
First, you are going to want to have collision coverage.
4 Ways To Lower Your Auto Insurance Rates After An Accident
If you've recently been involved in a car accident, there's a good chance that your auto insurance rates will increase. In fact, the average policyholder's premiums will increase by about 31% following an at-fault accident--which can quickly add up. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to potentially reduce your rates after an accident. They can help you save some money on your insurance until those points fall off your driving record.
Top Benefits Of Buying Your Commercial Insurance Online
If you are a business owner, you probably understand the importance of having commercial insurance. After all, commercial insurance can help you protect your business from all sorts of liabilities, disasters, and issues. You can always visit the local office for a commercial insurance company that offers coverage for businesses in your area, but this might not be your best option for purchasing coverage. Instead, you may want to look into the option of purchasing your commercial insurance online.
3 Ways To Cut Down On The Cost Of Insuring Your First Car
After purchasing your first car, you may be curious about what you can do to make sure that you get an insurance plan that will keep you protected on the road and while the car is parked. If you're curious about what to do to make the cost of car insurance lower since you could be charged more due to being a new driver, consider the following ways that you can find savings.
New Car Upgrades That Reduce Auto Insurance Premiums
New cars come with a variety of upgrade options, which add everything from potentially life-saving safety features to backseat entertainment systems. If you're buying a new car, several of these new car upgrade options could reduce your auto insurance premiums.
Anti-Theft Security Device
Your auto insurance will likely include comprehensive coverage, which protects against non-accident incidents like break-ins and theft. If your car has an anti-theft security device, you'll be able to save a little on this coverage.
Home Insurance Riders: 3 Things to Know
Did you know that every home insurance policy is different? Every homeowner can customize their plans to suit their unique needs, and many people add riders to accomplish this goal. If you are unsure about what a rider is, continue reading to learn more.
1. What Is a Rider?
When you purchase a homeowner's insurance policy, it typically provides coverage for three main things: your home, belongings, and liability protection. While these three things cover most losses you might experience, they do not cover everything.
Times To Update Your Car Insurance Policy
Some people purchase car insurance and never update their policies until they trade in their vehicles. While this works fine for many people, there are times when this is not the best way to manage your auto insurance plan. Some events in life can change your auto insurance ratings, and it is helpful to update your plan when you experience changes. Here are several times when you should consider updating your car insurance policy.
Things That Drive Up The Costs Of Homeowner's Insurance
If you are buying a house right now and want to choose a home that will not cost a fortune to insure, you might want to understand some factors that affect the cost of homeowner's insurance. The rates you pay for home insurance cover the risks for the house you buy. Are you wondering what factors about a house increase the costs of this insurance? If so, here are some of the factors that drive up the cost of a homeowner's insurance policy.
Tips For Insuring Your Classic Car
Do you own a classic car that you rarely use? If so, you should have the right type of insurance coverage for the vehicle, and insurance companies often recommend classic car auto insurance for these types of cars. If you want to protect this asset, you must get the right policy for it. Here are some tips to help you get the right coverage for your classic vehicle.
Find Out If Your Car Qualifies
Why Your Home Insurance Rates Might Go Up
If you are currently enjoying low premiums for your home insurance coverage, you should be on the lookout for the factors that might trigger a rate hike. Some of the factors might be out of your control, while others are things you can influence. Below are some of these factors.
The average prices for goods and services change over time; a positive (increase) change is known as inflation. Inflation is the reason a thousand dollars today does not have the same purchasing power it did a decade ago.
An Overview Of Inland Marine Insurance
While the word "marine" typically refers to water, inland marine insurance has nothing to do with water. The insurance coverage applies to moveable property on land, as well as some form of specialized equipment. Below is an overview of inland marine insurance.
Covered Property
Inland marine insurance covers a variety of properties, but the following are some of the most notable.
Property on Transit
These are goods that are being transported overland.
An Overview Of Contractual Liability Insurance
As an entrepreneur, one of the best ways to protect your business is to invest in the right insurance coverage. One of the forms of coverage you need is contractual liability insurance, which many entrepreneurs don't know about. Below is a candid overview of this form of insurance coverage.
What It Is
Contractual liability insurance protects you from liabilities that may arise when you enter into a contract with another party.
Auto Insurance Riders You Should Consider Having
Many insurance companies provide their clients with the option of purchasing additional coverage along with the standard coverage offered by the policy. Such an additional coverage goes by different names such as a rider, add-on, or endorsement, among others. Below are some auto insurance riders that may be worth purchasing.
Gap Insurance
If you drive a leased car or you financed your car purchase, then there might come a time when you owe more on the car than its value.
3 Tips For Saving On Your Prescription Meds
Whether you are on anti-depressants, pain medication, or drugs to treat high blood pressure or diabetes, paying out of pocket for these drugs can be costly. Unfortunately, this is a common problem many people face. Thankfully, help is available. With this guide, you will learn a few simple solutions for reducing the cost of your important prescription medications.
Go Generic
One of the easiest ways to reduce the cost of your prescription medications is to use generic instead of brand-name medications.
The Importance Of Your Driving Record For Your Auto Insurance
Driving is something that many people over the age of 16 do, but it is not something you are entitled to. Instead, it is a privilege, and you can keep this privilege by proving you are responsible when you drive. Anytime you encounter a ticket, violation, or accident, it will be recorded, and these types of things affect your driving record. Here are several things to know about your driving record, the importance of it, and the effects it can have on your car insurance.
How To Shop For A Worker's Compensation Insurance Policy
Running a small business can be immensely rewarding. However, there are many things you need to stay on top of. You will need to research and obtain all the necessary permits and licenses that will allow you to do business lawfully. Things get even more complicated if you hire employees. If you have at least one employee, you're legally required to purchase worker's compensation insurance that will benefit your employee if they get sick or injured at work.
Understanding The Types Of Business Insurance You Need
Companies, even tiny enterprises run by one or two people, face exposure to potential losses on many fronts. Finding the right commercial insurance for your company is important, and it requires a bit of discussion about what your exposure actually is. Let's take a look at 5 of the most important kinds of insurance a business should carry.
Commercial General Liability
If your business is open to the public in any way, there is always the risk that an accident could occur involving a member of the public.
Car Insurance Mistakes That Lead To Higher Rates
Buying car insurance is a confusing process for many people, and because of this, there are a lot of people who make mistakes on their policies, and these mistakes lead to higher rates. If you want to pay less for your insurance, you should aim to avoid making costly mistakes, and here are three mistakes you should try to avoid making as they can lead to higher rates than what you should be paying.
How Your Location Affects The Rates You Pay For Car Insurance
When you request a quote for car insurance, the agent will likely want to know a lot of details about you, your life, and your car. Among the questions he or she will ask, there may be some related to your location. The reason agents ask questions about location is because it is a factor that can affect the rates a person pays for auto insurance. Here are a few things to know about this.
3 Things To Know About Medical Malpractice Insurance
If you are a medical professional, having medical malpractice insurance is a must. While your goal is likely to provide the best care possible, occasionally mistakes do happen, and when it comes to medical care, even small errors can have a very big impact. Medical malpractice insurance is something that can protect you in case of an error or a perceived error in the care you provide. Here are three things that you should know when it comes to this type of insurance.
Should Owner-Operators Carry Physical Damage Insurance As Part Of Their Commercial Trucking Insurance Policy?
Commercial trucker insurance can be confusing, but at least some of the decisions are made for you — for example, you're required to carry a certain level of liability insurance in order to operate a truck. Physical damage insurance isn't one of those types of insurance. Unless you're required to carry it as part of the financing agreement for your truck, then purchasing this type of insurance is solely your discretion.
Three Things to Know About Filing Homeowner's Insurance Claims
When you own a home, you need to make sure that you have homeowner's insurance to protect your home. Homeowner's insurance is a great way to protect your investment; you just have to know how to use it when something goes wrong.
#1 Learn How Long You Have to File a Claim
There is a time limit for you to file a claim following the incident that caused the damage. The time limit varies based on what caused the damage, so be sure to talk to your insurance company ahead of time and learn how much time you have to file a claim after an incident.
Things Not Covered By Errors And Omissions Insurance
Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance coverage is a form of professional liability insurance that protects people against claims made against them for inadequate or inaccurate work. However, the term "errors and omissions" has misled people into thinking that every mistake they make at work will be protected by E&O insurance coverage. Well, that isn't the case, and E&O won't protect you in the following cases:
Intentional Deception
E&O coverage is strictly meant to cover losses arising out of accidental mistakes, and not intentional ones.
3 Critical Tips For First-Time Homeowners Purchasing Home Insurance
If you're about to purchase your first home, you need to have it insured. After all, a number of things could go wrong, and having insurance protects you from a financial standpoint. To ensure you purchase the right policy in a stress-free manner, remember these tips.
1. Know How Much Your Home is Worth
To know how much insurance you need for your particular home, you first need to understand how much it's worth.
The Difference Between Collision And Comprehensive Auto Insurance Coverage
If your parents are no longer willing to pay your car insurance, you might need to contact an insurance company to purchase your first car insurance policy on your own. When you do this, you might now know a lot about car insurance, simply because you've never had to buy a policy before, and you might have some questions. One of the top questions people often have with car insurance involves the differences between collision and comprehensive coverage.
3 Things That Affect Your Home Insurance
Insuring your home is incredibly important. There are many people who buy a house without realizing that they will have to put a good deal into their home insurance. The amount that you pay in insurance will vary from person to person and house to house because there are individual factors that determine the cost. Here are some factors that will affect your home insurance.
1. Where You Live
One of the first things that insurance provider will look at when determining how much you will need to pay for insurance is where you live.
The First Things To Look Into For Your New Business
Are you trying to decide whether your business is feasible? There are a couple of parts to your research; here are the first steps.
How Much Will It Cost?
Often, it will cost more than you think it will. Look into all aspects of the product or service. How competitive is marketing in your niche? More competitive areas mean more dollars spent on marketing. What is the cost of getting your product made?
Make Sure Your College Bound Child Is Properly Insured
Sending your child off to college can be a bittersweet moment. You are proud of their accomplishment, excited about their future, but a little worried about the separation. Making sure your young adult is properly insured during their time at university can help relieve some of the worry. The following guide can help you with this.
Health insurance
Thanks to the new insurance regulations, your child can likely remain on the family health insurance policy until they are 26 years old.
Four Small Ways To Save More On Your Homeowners Insurance
As a homeowner, there are already many expenses that you need to spend yearly on your home so saving on these costs can help you live that much more comfortably. While you might be aware of some of the basics of saving money on your homeowners insurance, here are four smaller ways that you may not have been aware of:
Find Obscure Discounts: Every year, homeowners insurance companies offer discounts on their policies for the strangest reasons that many homeowners don't think to ask about.
3 Tips For Saving Time When Shopping For Car Insurance
Shopping for car insurance can be time-consuming. It's a smart idea to get quotes from a few different companies so that you can get the best deal, for example, and some people find that this takes a while. Luckily, it is possible to save time when shopping for car insurance. These are a few tips that can help you do so.
1. Gather Your Paperwork First
First of all, you should be prepared when you start shopping for car insurance.
3 Steps For Buying And Registering A Car
Buying a vehicle can be a great step to take in your life whenever you handle it in a way that works. Because of this, the best thing you can do is learn how to make the right purchase for you, while also taking the time to get your vehicle registered and to keep it legal in your state. This article provides you a bit of help in that regard, so use these strategies in order to make your purchase useful.
Tips For Keeping Your Teen's Auto Insurance As Low As Possible
Allowing your teenager to drive gives them independence and can be beneficial to you. They can now drive themselves to and from school, sports and school events and to hang out with their friends. You will no longer have to be their personal taxi and shuttle them around. However, having a teenage driver is not cheap. Teenage drivers are more likely to be in car accidents than experienced drivers due to their lack of driving experience.
Buying Auto Insurance
It can be tricky to get the very best rate and the best policy for your auto insurance. You want to make sure that in the event of an accident you have great coverage for injuries and things of that nature, but you also want to make sure that you are not overpaying for that policy. You may find that you can even customize your auto insurance to fit your needs perfectly.
Questions To Ask As You Consider Bailing Someone Out
Being in the position of having to bail someone out is tricky. While you don't want to leave your friend or relative hanging, you also don't want to put yourself in a bad situation, financially or personally. Here are some questions you can ask to help evaluate the situation.
What Is the Person's Record?
Is the person a first-time offender who has an otherwise solid personal record? Then, it might be well worth it to help this person out and bail them out of jail.
Landscaping Insurance
If you are running a landscaping business, it is very important that you are set up with a good business plan. You need to make sure that you are earning a profit and that all your overhead expenses are kept to a minimum. You need to ensure that all of your equipment is well maintained and operates properly. Your return on investment needs to be just right, and a good portion of the money you make needs to go back into the business to be ready for any unexpected repairs or purchases.
Does Your Standard Home Insurance Policy Cover Wind Damage From Hurricanes?
Generally, standard home insurance policies cover damage caused by wind due to windstorms and hurricanes. But in certain hurricane-prone areas, homeowners are required to purchase separate hurricane insurance in addition to fire, theft, liability, and flood coverage. Therefore, wherever you live, it's important to make certain that you have the insurance coverage you need to cover damage from wind and wind-driven rain whether minor or severe.
If your home insurance policy covers storm damages caused by wind, you can file a claim to replace shattered windows and roofing shingles that blow off.
These Four Things Will Increase The Reconstruction Cost Of Your House
People purchase homeowners insurance for different reasons, but the chief one is so that they can repair or reconstruct their homes in case of damage. That's why it's important to ensure that your insurance coverage can fund the cost of reconstructing your home to its present state. This is especially important if it has been long since you evaluated the cost of rebuilding your home. After all, these four factors can seriously affect the cost of the reconstruction:
5 Factors to Consider When Deciding if You Need Rental Car Insurance
Many motorists don't know how to respond when they're asked at a car rental office if they want to purchase insurance. Obviously, it's important that you have insurance coverage when you're traveling in a rental car, but there are many potential ways you might be covered already without knowing it.
Consider the following five factors when you're renting a car to help determine whether or not you need to purchase a rental insurance policy for your trip:
Why Would One "Bother" With Non-Owner Car Insurance?
Those who don't own cars are often advised to buy non-owner car insurance. If you don't own a car, you are probably wondering why you should bother with this coverage. The reality is that it isn't a bother at all since non-owner car coverage offers several benefits. Here are three benefits you will find useful:
Continuous Coverage
Auto insurance companies are wary of motorists with gaps in their coverage history.
Potential Complications Of Sharing Renter's Insurance With A Roommate
Sharing renter's insurance with a roommate is possible, but it isn't advisable. Potential complications may affect your shared coverage and even ruin your friendship with your roommate. Here are three examples of such complications:
Sharing Bills and Check
If you are sharing renter's insurance with a roommate, the insurer will treat you as a single entity, which means it will issue you with a single bill (for your premiums) and settlement check (in the case of a loss).
Assessing Private Flood Insurance
With increased levels of snow and rain hitting the ground this winter, flooding is an issue at the forefront of many homeowners' minds. Most insurance policies do not cover damages caused by flooding, so it's important that you take the time to assess the private flood insurance policies available to add onto your existing home insurance policy.
Here are three things that you should be considering to ensure you have the best private flood insurance to add to your home's existing coverage.
Auto-Insurance 101: What Is High-Risk Auto Insurance?
Just as the name suggests, high-risk automobile insurance is intended for someone the insurance provider deems to be a high risk. This is someone who has made frequent claims in the past and is frequently at fault for accidents. This is someone who has a history that suggests they are more likely to make claims in the future. If you could be considered "high risk," it is normal for you to want to know more about this type of insurance.
3 Facts You Should Know When You Need An Sr22
In many states, if you have been convicted for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or been ticketed for driving a vehicle without insurance, you may have been ordered by a judge to obtain an SR22. You may also need it as the result of a suspended driver's license. However, it is not unusual for people to need an SR22 without actually knowing what it is. Therefore, the following information will help you fully understand the details of this important addition to your car insurance.